Become a real farmer potentate!
Farmerama is a browser strategy game in which you start and keep your own farm. Each player has his piece of land and some starting resources. At first you need to plant some simple, basic plants, such as lettuce. In later stages of the game you can breed animals, plant trees and purchase new seeds.
Farmerama is a browser strategy game in which you start and keep your own farm (the game's mechanics resemble those from a popular Facebook production). Each player has his piece of land and some starting resources. At first you need to plant some simple, basic plants, such as lettuce. In later stages of the game you can breed animals (from cows, to rabbits, to even butterflies), plant trees and purchase new seeds. Running a farm is fairly simple - everything is done via mouse. Creating crops, planting, watering or gathering is just a few clicks away, what makes this game appealing to everyone.

The developers have made the gameplay diverse in a few ways. We have dynamic "quests" from our fellow merchants - they need to recieve certain goods in a certain amount of time. Another interesting thing is the possibility of going to town, where you can find a market, agricultural co-operation and artisans. What is more, you can send messages to other players (by using the post office), take part in sports activities and invite guests to your farm.

An important part of every farm is a need to diversify the goods, that are being sold, and to develop new seeds. In Farmerama you get many types of plants and animals that can be taken care of. The amount isn't overwhelming due to the process unlocking through progression and leveling. There is also a virtual store, in which you can buy many decorative elements (flags, fountains, houses etc.), upgrades, animals and other objects (you pay with an in-game currency, which can be obtained with real money). To make things easier, the developers have set up a system of automatic devices, which take care of the farm during your absence.